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💞 2021/10/16 2:42【更新】



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Maincraft News の記事が up されましたネー。






New world generation in Java available for testing | Minecraft







An experimental Caves & Cliffs snapshot has arrived!

(実験的なCaves & Cliffsのスナップショットが登場しました)



UPDATE (Sep 8): Snapshot 7 is shipped! This one is tiny so don't get too excited. You might not even notice any difference. But if you do let us know what you think :) 

(UPDATE【9月8日】 スナップショット7が出荷されました。 この調整はとても小さいので、あまり期待しないでください。 違いがわからないかもしれません。 でも、もし気がついたら、感想を聞かせてください)

Also this is probably going to be the last experimental snapshot for now. We are focusing on getting these tweaks into the normal Java snapshot and Bedrock beta series.

(また、今回はおそらく最後の実験的なスナップショットになると思います。 私たちは、これらの調整を通常のJavaスナップショットやBedrockベータシリーズに反映させることに注力しています)


With Caves & Cliffs: Part I released, we’re currently hard at work at delivering the second chapter. In Caves & Cliffs: Part II, we’re not only updating the caves and adding new mountains – we are also changing the overall terrain generation to make it all fit together. As these features will bring pretty big changes, we would love your feedback! 

(Caves & Cliffs: Part 1 が公開され、現在は Part 2 の公開に向けて鋭意制作中です。Caves & Cliffs: Part 2 では、洞窟を更新して新しい山を追加するだけでなく、全体の地形生成を変更して、すべてが調和するようにしています。 これらの機能はかなり大きな変化をもたらしますので、皆様からのフィードバックをお待ちしています )


We need to sort out some technical things before we can ship these in a normal Java snapshot or Bedrock beta, so in the meantime, we've created an experimental snapshot for Java that you can download separately. That way, you can try out the all-new world generation and provide us with feedback while we continue our grand work of terraforming the world of Minecraft and integrating it into our normal snapshot/beta series. 

(通常のJavaスナップショットやBedrockベータ版として出荷する前に、いくつかの技術的な問題を解決する必要があるため、それまでの間、Java用の実験的なスナップショットを作成し、別途ダウンロードすることができます。このようにして、まったく新しいワールドジェネレーションを試していただき、フィードバックを提供していただきながら、Minecraft のワールドをテラフォーミングして、通常のスナップショット/ベータシリーズに統合するという壮大な作業を続けています)








  • Noodle caves can generate at any height, no longer capped at y 130. This means you'll sometimes find tiny cave openings and cracks in mountain peaks. Tread with care.

(Noodle cavesは、Y130が上限ではなく、どの高さでも発生させることができます。つまり、山の頂上に小さな洞窟の開口部や亀裂が見つかることがあるのです。気をつけて踏んでください)

  • Some parts of the terrain are ever so slightly smoother (less 3d noise in tech speak)

( 地形の一部がわずかに滑らかになりました〔技術的には3Dノイズが少なくなりました〕)

  • Elytra doesn't take durability damage when gliding, only when using rockets. So you don't HAVE to have mending or unbreaking enchantments to use your elytra, especially now that there are higher mountains and cliffs to launch from.


  • Elytra rocket boost is a bit weaker, so you can't fly as fast with rockets. We are testing this for several reasons:

(エリトラのロケットブーストは少し弱くなっていますので、ロケットではそれほど速く飛べません。これをテストしているのは、いくつかの理由があります )

  ∟ Elytra rocket boosting is so fast that other means of transport become almost redundant. We want to balance it out a bit.


  ∟ Even in earlier versions of Minecraft most servers get laggy when players fly around with elytra & rockets because they fly faster than chunks can load. With the new world height this would probably get worse.


  ∟ There is so much more cool terrain to enjoy now, wouldn't want to zoom past it all too fast right?

(今ではもっとクールな地形を楽しむことができるので、早く通り過ぎてしまいたくないですよね :) )

  ∟ Note that gliding speed is unchanged. This affects just rocket boosting.


  • That's it. I told you. This is a tiny snapshot.


  • What? The swamps, you ask? Nope, we didn't change the swamps, and they have mixed feelings about that.

(何が? 沼地のことですか? いや、私たちは沼地を変えたわけではないし、彼らはそのことについて複雑な思いを抱いている)






  • Tweaked placement of the new mountain biomes so they match the mountain terrain and temperature better. Grove and snowy slopes are less likely to generate on mountain peaks. In cold climates grove and snowy slopes tend to start much lower down, while in temperate and hot climates they tend to start higher up.


  • Tweaked biome placement to reduce the risk of cold microbiomes, such as a small splotch of snowy tundra in the middle of a forest (birdpoop microbiomes). It can still happen, but not as often.

(森の中に雪の積もったツンドラがあるような、冷たいマイクロバイオームのリスクを減らすために、バイオームの配置を調整しました〔鳥のフンのマイクロバイオーム〕 まだ起こる可能性はありますが、それほど頻繁ではありません)

  • Fixed an accidental change from last snapshot that made lush caves smaller and more fragmented. Now they should be about as common as in snapshot 4 again.


  • Giant tree taiga and giant spruce taiga no longer count as cold climates from a biome placement perspective. So these biomes are less likely to mixed in with snowy biomes. This caused a small reshuffle of other biomes to maintain the overall balance.

(Giant tree TaigaとGiant spruce Taigaは、バイオーム配置の観点から寒冷地としてカウントされなくなりました。そのため、これらのバイオームは雪の多いバイオームと混ざりにくくなりました。このため、全体のバランスを保つために、他のバイオームの配置を少し変更しました)

  • Slightly reduced the number of water springs.


  • Slightly increased underwater magma, to increase the chance of finding air when diving in aquifers.


  • Cavier ocean floors! Aquifers under oceans/rivers are more likely to link to the underground. This means you are more likely to find cave openings on ocean floors that actually lead somewhere instead of being cut off. One consequence of this is that caves at y0-40 below oceans are more likely to be flooded. If you dive into an underground lake you might end up inside one of those flooded caves and pop out at the bottom of an ocean.

(海底の注意事項! 海や川の下にある帯水層は、地下につながっている可能性が高い。 つまり、海底にある洞窟の開口部は、切断されるのではなく、実際にどこかにつながっている可能性が高いのです。 その結果、海面下0~40メートルの洞窟は浸水する可能性が高くなります。 もしあなたが地底湖に潜ったら、浸水した洞窟の一つに入って、海の底に出てくるかもしれません)

  • Underwater ravines are back. Cave carvers can now carve through sand and gravel on ocean floors, so underwater ravines and caves will no longer be hidden under a layer of gravel or sand. As opposed to MC 1.17, we no longer use a specific carver for underwater ravines, we just use normal noise caves and carvers but on ocean floors. So the underwater ravines won't look exactly the same as in 1.17, but we get a lot more natural variation. Magma may still generate inside them, as with all flooded caves.

(水中渓谷の復活です。洞窟彫刻家が海底の砂や砂利を彫ることができるようになったので、水中渓谷や洞窟が砂利や砂の層の下に隠れてしまうことがなくなりました。MC 1.17とは異なり、水中渓谷のために特定の洞窟パターンを使用することはなく、通常の雑な洞窟と渓谷を使用しますが、海底では使用します。そのため、水中渓谷の形は1.17と全く同じではありませんが、自然なバリエーションが増えています。浸水した洞窟と同じように、マグマが洞窟内で発生することもあります)

  • Horses, Mules, and Donkeys now follow players holding golden carrots, golden apples, and enchanted golden apples. Makes it easier to get your horse across that deep river! Similarly, llamas follow hay bales.


  • That's all.


  • No wait, one more thing. Almost forgot the swamps. Swamps can now generate in dry areas. They couldn't in last snapshot, which seemed to make sense, but it turned out that sometimes a very small area will be drier than the surrounding area, causing microbiome issues like small spots of desert in the middle of a swamp. Swamps should be less fragmented now, and they appreciate that.







  • Peakier peaks! In some areas mountains have jagged peaks, like in the beloved bedrock beta mountains.

(尖った尖った! 山の中には、愛すべき岩盤のβ山のように、ピークがギザギザになっているところがあります)

  • Made mountain areas and peak biomes slightly larger on average.


  • Raised the average mountain height, fixing an unintentional change from snapshot 4 that made mountains lower and smoother. But then we had to lower the mountain height again to fit the peakier peaks, so maybe it evens out. We deliberately avoid having peaks or mountains that go above y260 or so, because we want players to have space to build cool stuff on the peaks. So any peaks that try to sneak too high up get mercilessly cut off into a plateau.


  • Fossils with diamonds no longer generate above deepslate level.


  • Moved swamps slightly more inland, since they were leaking murky swamp water into the ocean. Oceans are happy about this, swamps are a bit grumpy. Also swamp trees can grow in slightly deeper water than before, so swamp lakes should be less barren.


  • Cave carvers can carve through red sand and calcite, so those blocks aren't left hanging in the air.


  • Tweaked the depth of rivers and the steepness of river banks. They are less likely to be super deep or get choked off in flat areas. Also rivers integrate better with swamps, the river tends to get shallow and merge with the swamp instead of carving through. Swamps like that, feels less disruptive.


  • Small lakes features are no longer placed in dry and hot biomes (desert, savanna, badlands). Reduced the number of lake feature placements in other biomes.


  • Small hills and overhangs (3d noise in tech speak) generate more often in flat areas, like in snapshot 3. This was accidentally removed in snapshot 4, causing flat areas to be a bit too flat and featureless.


  • Reduced the amount of shattered terrain and shattered savanna biome, replacing some of that space with flatter beaches instead.


  • Water springs can generate in more types of blocks such as dirt and snow, increasing the likelihood of small mountain streams and waterfalls. Also added springs to lush caves.


  • Fixed an indent in the code. Doesn't matter at all so I don't know why I'm mentioning it here.


  • Made badlands slightly smaller on average. Just a bit. But don't worry they still tend to be quite big.


  • Added (well, re-added) jungle edge biome. If we keep it we'll probably rename it though, because it isn't really an edge biome any more.


  • Tweaked mushroom fields biome so it matches the shape of the islands better.


  • Dripstone caves biome place stone surface instead of grass surface when leaking out of cave entrances. This should make dripstone cave entrances less grassy.

(Dripstone caves biomeは、洞窟の入り口から漏れ出るときに、草の表面ではなく石の表面を配置します。これにより、Dripstone cavesの入り口は草が生えにくくなります)

  • Removed the height-based spawning change that was made in snapshot 3. We appreciate the community discussions about this. We decided to undo the change for now and will come back to this when we have more time.







  • Temple tweaks: Desert temples tend to be partially buried, and Jungle temples and Desert temples no longer generate on water.


  • Badlands and deserts are larger and less likely to show up as ugly microbiome splotches. Terracotta bands go higher. Wooded badlands grass and trees start higher.


  • Made biome placement a bit smoother and less noisy (again). This should result in fewer microbiomes (again). Tweaked biome placement in general to reduce the risk of harsh collisions.

(バイオームの配置を少し滑らかにし、ノイズを減らしました〔再び〕 これにより、マイクロバイオームの数が減るはずです〔再度〕 過酷な衝突のリスクを減らすため、全体的にバイオームの配置を調整しました)

  • Removed surface freezing for hot biomes, and raised the altitude at which snow layers are placed. This should result in fewer weird things like jungle trees with snow on top.


  • Made snowy slopes less dirty. Again. For real this time.


  • Made extreme hills terrain less unextreme. And fiddled with the placement of shattered terrain and extreme hills in general, to make it fit in with the terrain better.

(エクストリーム・ヒルの地形をエクストリームではないものにしました。また、Shattered TerrainとExtreme Hillsの配置を調整し、地形にフィットするようにしました)

  • Reduced the likelihood of rivers being cut off and turning into steep dry river gorges in mountainous terrain. Instead rivers will tend to either carve a fjord through the mountain range, or raise the terrain to form a saddle valley between the peaks. This should make the terrain friendlier for both walking and boating. I think it also makes rivers a bit wider in general.


  • Reduced the number of diorite/andesite/granite blobs on the surface. This should reduce the spray-paint look of stone shores and such.


  • Stone shores sometimes generate layers (strips) of gravel, diorite, andesite, or granite. Stony peaks sometimes generate layers of gravel, calcite, andesite, or granite. No more need to destroy geodes to get calcite :)

(石の海岸では、砂利、閃緑岩、安山岩、花崗岩などの層〔帯〕ができることがあります。石のある山頂では、砂利、方解石、安山岩、花崗岩などの層ができることがあります。方解石を得るためにジオードを破壊する必要はもうありません :) )

  • More iron! You'll still mostly have to go caving or mountain climbing to find it. But you'll find more iron when you do!

(もっと鉄! 洞窟探検や山登りをしないと見つけられないことがほとんどです。しかし、その際にはより多くの鉄を見つけることができます)

  • Swampier swamps. Tweaked swamp placement a bit, just to keep them happy. They are less likely to extend far out from the coastline now, and rivers in swamps tend to be shallower.


  • Bigger copper blobs in dripstone caves. Go to that biome if you want more copper! Either that or find a large copper vein.







  • Tweaked biome placement to reduce the risk of temperature clashes (such as a snowy biome in the middle of a desert). Temperature clashes still happen, but not as often.


  • Tweaked biome placement to allow for more noisiness and diversity again, essentially dialing back some of the changes from last snapshot. This means microbiomes are more likely to happen again, but they will usually be of matching temperatures (for example a small forest inside a plains biome).


  • Red sand is back! Tweaked badlands so they sometimes show up in flat areas next to plateaus, and made the red sand generate higher up (to account for the generally higher terrain).

(赤い砂が戻ってきました! メサが台地の隣の平らな場所に表示されることがあるように調整し、赤い砂がより高い位置に生成されるようにしました。〔一般的に高い地形を考慮して〕)

  • Made peak biomes and meadows less likely to generate in flat low elevation areas.


  • Smoothed out the cliffs in shattered terrain a bit, so they don't look like chunk errors.


  • Snowy slopes and snowcapped peaks no longer place dirt under the snow. Mountains look less dirty now :)

(雪の積もった斜面や冠雪した山頂でも、雪の下に汚れを置かなくなりました。山の汚れが少なくなりました :) )

  • Added a new mountain biome: Stony peaks. This is just a variant of lofty/snowcapped peaks that uses stone and gravel instead of snow and ice, and is used to avoid temperature clashes such as a snowcapped peak sticking up from a jungle.

(新しい山のバイオームを追加しました。Stony peaksです。これはlofty/snowcapped peaksの変形で、雪や氷の代わりに石や砂利を使用しており、ジャングルから突き出た雪山のような温度差を避けるために使用されています)

  • Added structures to some of the new mountain biomes. Pillager outposts generate in all the new mountain biomes. Villages generate in meadows.


  • Tweaked beaches a bit, to make them more inclined to show up on flat coastlines rather than hilly areas. Also reduced the amount of stone shores.


  • Coastlines and river banks are less likely to get messed up by aquifers. That is, local water levels are mostly used in terrain that doesn't border a river or ocean. Cave openings and ravines that intersect an ocean or river will mostly use sea level.


  • Inland low-elevation areas are less likely to have flooded caves all over the place.


  • Aquifers can go deeper and are more likely to connect with cave systems further down. That means if you dive into a deep lake on the surface (or in a mountain), you will sometimes encounter air pockets that lead to a cave system.


  • Added more high-frequency variation to aquifers, to reduce the risk of massively huge areas with waterfilled caves everywhere. Underground lakes and flooded regions are more likely to be spread out instead of concentrated in one region.


  • Fixed goat spawning (they weren't spawning in the new mountain biomes)


  • Swamps are less likely to overlap cold or dry biomes, and they no longer place hanging water. Swamps are even happier now.


  • Desert temples spawn on the surface rather than at a fixed y level.


  • Eroded badlands no longer create floating pillars on top of the water surface.


  • Grass no longer generates under water


  • Reduced the risk of incorrect surface placement such as grass patches in deserts.


  • Reduced the risk of river biome generating in dry mountain gorges. We don't have support for actual rivers generating above sea level, so if a mountain gorge is above sea level then it will be dry.


  • Mob spawning no longer speeds up in low terrain or slows down in high terrain. The new spawning speed is similar to 1.17 spawning at y=64. This change is intended to make spawning more consistent in the updated overworld.


  • Fixed an issue where players in multiplayer can face far more or far fewer enemies than intended, particularly when other players are flying. Each player now gets their fair share of mobs.







  • Biome placement is a bit smoother and less noisy. Fewer microbiomes dotting the terrain. Biomes tend to be a bit larger and less fragmented.


  • Raised cloud level from 128 to 192


  • Renamed mountains (= old mountains biome) to extreme hills, and gravelly mountains to gravelly hills, to reduce risk of people getting confused when they use /locatebiome to find the new mountains and end up in the old mountains...

(新しい山を探すために/locatebiomeを使って古い山に行ってしまったときに混乱するリスクを減らすために、山〔=古い山のバイオーム〕をextreme hillsに、gravelly mountainsをgravelly hillsに改名しました)

  • Beachier beaches! Beaches are generally wider. But also in some places there are no beaches at all, to provide some variation.

(浜辺のビーチ! 海岸は一般的に広いです。しかし、場所によってはビーチが全くないところもあり、バリエーションがあります)

  • Sheep spawn in meadows. Also more rabbits and less donkeys


  • Blue orchid no longer spawns in meadows. The swamps were sad because this was their unique thing.


  • Swamps now generate properly. They generated in weird places before and were sad about that. Swamps are happier now.


  • Added missing biomes: Ice Spikes and Eroded Badlands


  • Underground biomes interfere less with surface biomes. They can still leak out of cave entrances sometimes though (because it looks kinda cool!)


  • Increased the height of some of the peaks. Now they can reach up to 220-260 or so, but rarely.


  • Slightly increased the chance of finding large areas with flat terrain


  • Meadows sometimes spawn a lone tree, often with a bee nest


  • Monsters spawn in the new mountain biomes


  • Emeralds and infested stone generate in the new mountain biomes


  • Made ore veins slightly larger and more frequent, since very few people seemed to actually find them in survival.


  • Structures now show up in the right biomes (mostly). Found the right amount of duct tape to put in the right place in the code.


  • Toned down the megacave entrances a little bit, and made them less likely to go all the way down to deepslate level. Getting to diamond zone was just a bit too easy.


  • Made cheese caves a little bit smaller on average (they can still be huge though!), and a bit less likely to intersect the surface


  • Reduced the chance of sand and gravel being placed in such a way that they immediately fall down on generation. Replaced with sandstone or stone in those cases. The falling blocks were messing up the terrain as well as performance. Still happens but not as often.


  • Zombie, Skeleton, Spider, and Cave-Spider spawners now spawn mobs up to block-light level 11. Although the mobs spawning in complete darkness did not affect the difficulty of vanilla spawners, we recognized that these spawners haven't been a real challenge for a while now. We hope this change will make conquering a spawner a more exciting challenge! 

(Zombie、Skeleton、Spider、Cave-Spiderのスポナーがblock-light level 11までのmobをスポーンするようになりました。完全な暗闇の中で産卵するモブは、バニラのスポナーの難易度には影響しませんでしたが、これらのスポナーはしばらくの間、本当の挑戦ではなかったと認識しています。この変更により、スポナーを攻略することがよりエキサイティングな挑戦になることを願っています)

  • Spawners have a new "CustomSpawnRules" tag, which lets you override the spawn rules of the spawned mob. In the tag you can specify "BlockLightLimit" which indicates the highest block-light the spawners will spawn mobs at. This change is to enable map-makers to use spawners in a more customizable manner to spawn mobs in any light levels they choose!

(スポナーには、新しい「CustomSpawnRules」タグがあり、スポーンしたモブのスポーンルールをオーバーライドすることができます。このタグでは、"BlockLightLimit "を指定することができ、スポナーがモブをスポーンする際の最高のブロックライトを示します。この変更は、マップメーカーがスポナーをよりカスタマイズして使用し、任意の光レベルでモブをスポーンできるようにするためです)






  • New world height and depth


  • New mountain biomes (lofty peaks, snowcapped peaks, grove, meadow, and snowy slopes)


  • New cave generation (cheese, spaghetti, and noodle caves)


  • Local water levels and lava levels in the underground


  • New cave biomes generate naturally underground and inside mountains (lush caves, dripstone caves)


  • Natural variation in terrain shape and elevation, independently from biomes. For example, forests and deserts could form up on a hill without needing a special biome just for that.



  • Large ore veins


  • Integrated mountains, caves, and cave entrances


  • Monsters will only spawn in complete darkness







These issues are all addressed in the upcoming normal snapshot series and won't be fixed in the experimental snapshots.



  • Low performance


  • Nether terrain is messed up


  • End pillars don't generate (however they do generate when you respawn the dragon...)










どなたさまも素晴らしい Minecraft Life を *ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚


゚*。.ღ ⊹⊱ £ονё & βLёss уoц ⊰⊹ ღ.。*゚

thank you.

i love you.


